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This ongoing document is built on a periodic survey of members and reviewed annually by the statewide MAESP Plans and Policies Committee, chaired by the MAESP past president. The document is approved by the Executive Committee each December and by the general membership at the MAESP business meeting in March.

1. MAESP will seek additional revenue streams, such as workshops for and by MAESP members, and seek individual and corporate donations to the building fund to provide sufficient revenue to meet MAESP mortgage payment obligations for the MCSA building.

2. MAESP will increase MAESP/NAESP membership in all districts by expanding and improving services to members and also encouraging active participation of members.

3. MAESP will seek opportunities to provide additional assistance and mentoring to new principals entering the profession.4. MAESP will continue to collaborate with other educational groups to accomplish common goals.

5. MAESP will encourage members to individually become more knowledgeable, visible, and vocal about legislative matters that affect education at the local, state and federal government levels.

6. MAESP will develop an efficient process to survey members as needed to guide the organization.

7. MAESP will increase member access to organizational services through the improvement and maintenance of a user-friendly MAESP website, and other technological improvements that facilitate organizational communication to and among members and the public at large.

As elementary principals, we believe that
1. all children should receive the very best educational experience possible
2. all decisions made should reflect the value and importance of the children entrusted to our care
3. the elementary principal is vital to the success of students and staff in the elementary schools of Missouri

The mission of the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals is to insure that effective highly qualified principals, committed to excellence for all children, are in each elementary school in the state of Missouri through visionary and effective leadership.

MAESP envisions an elementary school where each child is valued and receives an education of the highest quality. Comprehensive collaboration is essential to foster a mutual interest on behalf of the children.

3550 Amazonas Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-638-2460
Fax: 573-556-6270
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